
We are a group of dental specialists, dedicated to making your experience the best possible.  We perform a wide range of oral surgery procedures.  These include: wisdom teeth extractions, dental implants, and surgery. We perform our services with our patients awake or asleep.  Additionally, we offer expertise in oral pathology and oral medicine.


Dental Implants

Dental implants replace missing teeth. We provide teeth in a day if you qualify. You can book without a referral

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Patients should be screened as early as 14. You can book with a referral.

oral pathology and oral medicine

If you or your dentist has found an oral lesion, you can contact us for an examination and consultation, we’re here to help


Our services include sedation and anaesthesia in office or hospital setting as may be required.

Jaw Surgery

Corrective or orthognathic (jaw) surgery is used to correct dental and skeletal irregularities.

Teeth In a Day/ All On 4/ Teeth Xpress

Providing same day teeth and implants